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Søger du et foredrag om dansk kultur? Amerikansk Kay Xander Mellish gavmildt deler ud af sine erfaringer fra kampen for at passe ind på en dansk arbejdsplads. Foredraget er morsomme, energiske og tankevækkende.

Efter mere end et årti i Danmark ved Kay Xander Mellish, hvornår udlændinge kommer i clinch med dansk kultur, og hvornår danskere ofte misforstår udlændinge.

Hendes foredrag bygger på egne erfaringer fra ansættelser hos store danske virksomheder som Danske Bank og Carlsberg, hvor hun selv forsøgte at aflure dansk arbejdskulturs mange uskrevne regler.

Hvordan gør du for eksempel opmærksom på dig selv, dine evner og præstationer uden at bryde ”Janteloven”? Og når du træder ind i et lokale fyldt med danske forretningsfolk, hvordan ved du så, hvem der er chefen?

Har du brug for et fagligt indspark med et humoristisk twist og pointer, der hænger ved og giver brugbar inspiration, kan Kay Xander Mellish levere flere forskellige foredrag og seminarer.

Events, Working in Denmark: Danish Business Culture

Book a “How to Work in Denmark – Do’s and Don’ts of Danish work culture” presentation

Why, foreigners wonder, do Danes introduce themselves by simply stating their name, instead of explaining their position and job function?

Why does the big boss ride a bike to work when he could certainly afford a car?

And why does he help clear the table after our weekly ‘morgenbrød’? Isn’t that the cleaning lady’s job?

After more than a decade of working in Danish corporations, Kay Xander Mellish is personally familiar with some of the misunderstandings that can take place when Danes and foreigners work together.

Her presentation How to Work in Denmark: Do’s and Don’ts of Danish work culture, which has been delivered for Novo Nordisk, HOFOR, DTU and other major audiences, helps both sides examine their assumptions and move towards a happier working environment. It contains concrete tips both foreigners and Danes can use to make their working relationships better.

A trained journalist and a former member of the communications staff at Danske Bank, Carlsberg Breweries and Saxo Bank, Kay runs her own communications consulting business in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is the author of the book How to Work in Denmark and How to Live in Denmark, and is the voice behind the podcast series.

Book Kay for your group
If you represent a corporate or community group and would like to have Kay make a presentation about working in Denmark at your location, please get in touch via this site’s contact form for more information. Or read more about Kay’s other events.


Kay Xander Mellish books

Buy Kay’s books about Denmark on Amazon, Saxo, Google Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, or via our webshop.


American keynote speaker Denmark: Kay Xander Mellish

Kay Xander Mellish, an American keynote speaker in Denmark, can be booked for a variety of events, including “Welcome to Denmark” presentations, events about Danish culture and Danish working culture, and tips for Danes working with internationals, in particular Americans.

Kay is the author of five books about Denmark: How to Live in Denmark (2014 and 2017), Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English (2016), How to Work in Denmark (2018), Working with Americans: Tips for Danes (2019) and Working with Danes: Tips for Americans (2020.)

Standard and tailored presentations
Kay’s How To Live in Denmark events are designed to make international employees feel more comfortable in Denmark, help them understand the Danish mindset, and give them something to chat about with their Danish colleagues besides just ‘shop talk.’

She also offers events that help Danish team members understand their own cultural presets and think about what they may be expecting from their international colleagues without even really knowing it.

A former staff member at Danske Bank, Carlsberg Breweries and Saxo Bank, Kay has worked for Fortune 500 companies on both sides of the Atlantic.

She currently runs a small communications consulting business in Copenhagen, Denmark and speaks to several dozen audiences every year, including corporate groups, university classes, and government departments.

Kay is the voice behind the long-running podcast series ‘How to Live in Denmark’.

Book an event
If you represent a company or organization and would like to have an American keynote speaker in Denmark make a presentation to your group, contact Kay via this site’s contact form for more information.

Alternately, you can read more about all of Kay’s events on the How to Live in Denmark events page.

Flip Book Working with Americans Working with Danes

Buy Kay Xander Mellish’s new book, Working with Danes: Tips for Americans/Working with Americans: Tips for Danes on our webshop, or at Amazon, Saxo, Google Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, or via our webshop.

Or follow Kay on LinkedIn.

Læs på dansk: Amerikansk foredragsholder Kay Xander Mellish

Denmark and the USA, Events, Working in Denmark: Danish Business Culture

Book a ‘Working With Americans’ presentation

Danes grow up watching U.S. movies and T.V. shows and listening to U.S. music, so they sometimes assume they ‘know’ how to work with Americans – but that’s not always true.

In this presentation, Kay Xander Mellish – an American who has lived in Denmark for more than a decade – talks about how Danes can survive and thrive when working with the multicultural, competitive, sometimes excitable Americans, and how Americans can understand Danish priorities and the culture of dry, sometimes aggressive humor and Jantelov. Kay is personally familiar with some of the misunderstandings that can take place when Danes and Americans work together.

‘We are an international marketing team with people working together across the Atlantic with offices in Copenhagen and Minneapolis. We were very happy to have Kay run a session with us that in an entertaining and interactive way provided insights into the differences and similarities between the US and Danish cultures – and how these impact the collaboration and interaction between our teams. We had a lot of fun and at the same time we are now able to talk more openly about who we are and why we behave in certain ways in our daily collaborative situations we find ourselves in.
– Lars Kristian Runov, CMO, Siteimprove A/S.

A trained journalist and a former member of the communications staff at Danske Bank, Carlsberg Breweries and Saxo Bank, Kay Xander Mellish runs her own communications consulting business in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is behind the podcast series ‘How to Live in Denmark’ and is the author of the books Working with Americans: Tips for Danes, How to Work in Denmark and How to Live in Denmark.

Book an event
If you represent a company or organization and would like to have an American keynote speaker in Denmark make a presentation to your group, contact Kay via this site’s contact form for more information.

Alternately, you can read more about all of Kay’s events on the How to Live in Denmark events page.

Flip Book Working with Americans Working with Danes

Buy Kay Xander Mellish’s new book, Working with Danes: Tips for Americans/Working with Americans: Tips for Danes on our webshop, or at Amazon, Saxo, Google Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, or via our webshop.

Or follow Kay on LinkedIn.


Book a How To Live in Denmark Game Show event

Join us for the ‘How to Live in Denmark Game Show.’! Have fun and welcome international employees to Denmark. Danes will enjoy it too!

We use the format of TV game shows – which are popular around the world – to put participants at their ease and get them interacting with each other. ‘How To Live in Denmark Jeopardy’ is one of our most popular games, but we also do a Danish version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” entitled “Who Wants to Pay Topskat?” and a “Newlywed Game” take-off in which Danes are asked to examine their own culture…and foreigners are asked to try to understand what Danes are thinking!

How To Live in Denmark events are designed to make international employees feel more comfortable in Denmark, help them understand the Danish mindset, and give them something to chat about with their Danish colleagues besides just ‘shop talk.’


A trained journalist and a former member of the communications staff at Danske Bank, Carlsberg Breweries and Saxo Bank, Kay runs her own communications consulting business in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is behind the podcast series ‘How to Live in Denmark’ and is the author of the book How to Live in Denmark, available in English, Chinese, and Arabic.

Book Kay for your group
If you represent a corporate or community group and would like to have Kay make a presentation about working in Denmark at your location, please get in touch via this site’s contact form for more information. Or read more about Kay’s other events.


Kay Xander Mellish books

Buy Kay’s books about Denmark on Amazon, Saxo, Google Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, or via our webshop.


Book a “Drop Dit Danglish” event

Most Danes speak beautiful English, but there are a few common mistakes that keep their English from being perfect.

Should you say She learned me to play golf or She taught me to play golf? Is it He borrowed me his golf clubs or He loaned me his golf clubs? And is a great evening a fun time or a very funny time? And why should you never translate ‘derfor’ and ‘hermed’ directly?

You’ll find out at this enjoyable event, which will help Danes with excellent English skills become even more confident and fluent when speaking or writing English.

Brøler på engelsk

Kay Xander Mellish arrived in Denmark 16 years ago. A trained journalist and a former member of the communications staff at Danske Bank, Carlsberg Breweries and Saxo Bank, Kay runs her own communications consulting business in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is behind the podcast series ‘How to Live in Denmark’ and is the author of the book ‘Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English‘.

Book Kay for your group
If you represent a corporate or community group and would like to have Kay make a presentation at your location, please get in touch via this site’s contact form for more information.



Kay Xander Mellish books

Buy Kay’s books about Denmark on Amazon, Saxo, Google Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, or via our webshop.


Book a Welcome to Denmark: Tips for the Newly Arrived event

Welcome to Denmark! When you’ve just arrived in Denmark, there are a lot of things to think about. How do you find a place to live, or food that’s appropriate to a newcomer’s budget? How do you make friends or, if you’re single, look for a romantic partner? And what are the basic rules for succeeding in school or in a professional environment? (Tip: The Danes are happy to help you if you need it, but you have to speak up and ask.)

Kay Xander Mellish has based this fun but very useful presentation on her own first days in Denmark, when she received an “executive move” from a company that quickly went out of business, leaving her to fend for herself.

A trained journalist and a former member of the communications staff at Danske Bank, Carlsberg Breweries and Saxo Bank, Kay runs her own communications consulting business in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is behind the podcast series ‘How to Live in Denmark’ and is the author of the books How to Work in Denmark and How to Live in Denmark.

Book Kay for your group
If you represent a corporate or community group and would like to have Kay make a presentation about arriving in Denmark at your location, please get in touch via this site’s contact form for more information. Or read more about Kay’s other events.



Kay Xander Mellish books

Buy Kay’s books about Denmark on Amazon, Saxo, Google Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, or via our webshop.