Books, Stories about life in Denmark

Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English: The best-selling book

If you’re Danish or have friends or family who are Danish, you may enjoy my new book, “Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English.”

For the past 16 years, I’ve made my living at least in part by correcting Danish people’s English at big companies like Danske Bank and Carlsberg. And I run into the same mistakes again and again.

Confusing ‘fun’ and ‘funny.’ Mixing up ‘customer’ and ‘costumer’. Spelling ‘loose’ with two ‘o’s and ‘see’ with only one ‘e’. Confusing ‘learn’ with ‘teach’ and ‘loan’ with ‘borrow.’ And saying ‘meet’ to mean the time one starts work. “You must meet at 9.” Meet who?

This book is an attempt to put myself out of business.

Top Mistakes Danes Make in English Kay Xander Mellish

Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English is a small book – only 84 pages – with a light-hearted view of the most common mistakes Danes make in English.

Danes generally speak English very well, so the book is not an academic text – just a few easy fixes so Danes can speak even better English when they travel, write academic papers and use English for business.

How to get the book

You can buy the book in our webshop, on or

You can also order the book from any bookstore in Denmark, or in fact any bookstore in Europe, using the ISBN 978-877-114-1887.

In the Danish media

Hear Kay discuss the book on Radioavisen, P4, and Radio Nova.

You can also visit for more information about the book, or about how to book Kay for a “Drop Dit Danglish” presentation at your school or company.






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